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Plot a route on OS map 5 168 Maps are based on OSM data, which is opensource. See How To Correct Map Errors...
How do I turn off direction arrows on a trace? 10 153 No worries. The arrow bug should be fixed now. Thanks for that suggestion about the foru... on my route and see a popup showing distance and time 3 120 Thanks for getting back so quickly - this is great and helps hugely....
Locate my GPS position on a route? 5 629 There's an option to include the Distance Markers when you download a route as a KML file...
Favourite route to Garmin 4 471 We can certainly look into the possibility of developing a direct route transfer without ...
Turn Warnings On Watch 3 136 Thanks for the reply - option 1 was the 'hacky' solution that I was searching for. There ...
Leafletting route 6 150 I originally found Plotaroute by Googling something like that!...
Get the Creation Date for a Route 3 158 See update here: sort routes by real date not time ago...
Active Link In View Routes Notes 11 118 Great! Many thanks, again!...
Export to Google Maps 6 3318 Hi Dave - you just need to copy and paste the link provided into your Facebook post....
Download "My Collections" map with all routes 3 104 I thought that was likely how it works. Thanks....
Plotaroute not visible in epic ride weather (Android) 8 274 Fantastic - hope you find it useful....
Show Map Inspector and Google St view on an Ipad 3 118 OK, Thank you. That is disappointing but not insurmountable. I will give it a try....
Edit start and finish pionts 8 3137 Hi Steve - it's difficult to provide advice wihtout more information. You can drag the st...
Share routes 5 155 OK thanks...
show multiple routes on the map for tracing/reference 3 136 Thank you for considering. Often when I build a complex route I take inspiration from man...
Setting map for walking 1 127 My map is set for 'bike' how do I change it to 'walk' by default. Many Thanks...
Combined elevation map for a collection of routes? 3 122 Ahh, completely forgot about combining routes..Thanks so much, that sorted it!!...
Combine route with different elements 2 110 Interesting question. On a map, a route can be plotted over any terrain, road, land, wate...
Small edits to a route 3 151 Jim, I think that link will resolve this for you. Indeed, one of PR's best features is th...
Hide "route mapped by" on View Route page 2 127 Hi Cindy - sorry, we don't have any settings that allow you to choose what to show or hid...
download a map as image but including detours? 3 494 We've found the bug and have implemented a fix, so this should be OK now. ...
Increase map size 4 146 Aside from using the browser's zoom function, I'm afraid the only way to expand to map on...
Show a route in Apple Carplay 1 131 I want to be able to drive a route that I have planned and use it in apple carplay or one...
Change the color of the route 17 1134 Very nice enhancements, thank you. ...