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This page isn't working' 4 476 The problem was caused by Bitdefender Antivirus software blocking Plotaroute. Added Plot...
Alternative route issues 19 322 Hold that last comment. It only appears to happen under certain circumstances and I've n...
Autorouting issues 14 370 I just added a feature request in the list using Willy's suggestion...
Photo organiser behaving strangely 6 208 That's suprising , as I wouldn't have thought the monitor would make any difference. Glad...
Error with GPX Files loading into Devices 16 1039 Sorry my previous comment was not correct as I did not use the original Ploataroute downl...
Page not working 2 170 Problem solved.It was a problem with my virus software....
Radius map disables replot function 4 184 Good work ! It's OK now....
OS map view 5 221 Working great. Thanks for quick response...
Route Plotting 8 450 See https://www.plotaroute.com/posts/2824/D/1...
iPad / iOS downloaded files don’t work 1 152 Hi there. I can't find any other posts about this specific problem. My issue is that any...
Elevation missing 2 148 Hi Jan - not sure what caused the problem, but we've refreshed the elevation data for tha...
Ascent calculation is inaccurate 52 5373 Please see our FAQ on this: Why does the Total Ascent figure for my route differ from fig...
Disappearing direction markers 6 222 Thanks, John. I'll give it a try agai tomorrow....
Hill profile shows waymarks as ‘undefined’ 7 206 Thanks for taking up this issue! Thats of great help.keep up all the amazing work you are...
No premium features available 9 441 Did you sign in Roy? You'll neeed to sign in on the app to access Premium features - clic...
Greyed out route collection 4 155 Looks great! Thank you so much!...
Hills Profile & bridge 2 167 Hi Igor - sorry, there is no easy solution for this....
Errors on incline percentage at tunnels and road hairpins 3 174 Answering myself, I found this application at GitHub, but unsure what smooth method might...
Photo Titles 3 202 Thanks - didn't see that - it's a bit 'invisible' :-)...
Route Suggestions not near me -- Cities with same name 8 514 Many thanks - obviously had finger problems the first time I tried!...
Hills Profile bug on Firefox 4 187 Wow, that was quick! Wish I had flagged it a few months ago, but thought it was probably...
Printing 16 716 That is a shame, will need to look for a different solution, not sure screen shot will cu...
Moving the start of a circular route 4 197 Thanks for the suggestions Martyn. I think the green marker is probably placed initially ...
Route name does not update 2 175 Hi Martyn - the route map on the view route page is cached for a short period, so if you ...
Elevation Missing from Exports? 3 198 Thanks!...