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More than 30 routes in a route collection 2 261 The reason for this limit is due to the processing impact. Loading 500 routes at a time, ...
Create a route collection without combining existing ones. 2 254 Thanks for this suggestion Peter. I'll make a note of it but I don't think it would be v...
Batch editing of directions 2 345 Hi Michael - thanks for this feedback. There isn't any easy way for us to abbreviate the...
Important Features of ridewithgps. Directs links 2 350 Hi Mikhail,Thanks for the suggestions. I'll need to look into the idea of quicklinks - it...
Overlap an image 7 1645 One way to do this would be if plotaroute could use maps from http://mapwarper.net like h...
Add ability to upload route for editing on mobile site 2 851 Thanks for this great suggestion, we'll look into this. I've added it to our Feature Req...
Ability to lock the route but still add custom labels and symbols 3 690 This became especially true when using the Street View Split Screen...
multiple routes view on map 9 633 Hi Rob - it's not possible to print all the routes from a route collection in one go I'm ...
Minor Roads 2 325 Unfortunately the routing services we use don't offer this option, although you can elect...
Scroll map on direction click 1 330 I would find it very useful to automatically scroll the map when one of the directions cu...
Estimation/Fit of timing parameters 1 291 I really like the timing facility, but I have little clue about my pace over flat/up/down...
Run multiple routes simultaneously to check timings at key intersections 2 364 Hi Sean, I think that one would probably be too complex for us and have too limited appea...
Filter custom symbols and labels as a layer 2 366 Hi Sean,I'm glad you like ths site - thanks for the kind feedback. I'm pleased to say you...
Improve the visibility of drag points 3 349 So be it. Thanks for considering it....
Optional less wordy Turn by Turn directions 2 404 Thanks for the suggestion Colin. This one is actually already on our Feature Requests li...
Create a spreadsheet of adresses of a route 3 388 Hi Darko,Thanks for the suggestions. I don't think we'd be able to do the spreadsheet ide...
Ability to save default map type and layers 2 432 Thanks for the feedback Matthew - glad you like the new maps and layers. I've added your...
reduce points plotted in one click 3 525 Thanks for this feedback. We'll see if there is a way we can add some sort of button tha...
Collections to show all routes by default 8 519 The problem with the list of routes not showing should hopefully be fixed now. Some chan...
Trace imported route 11 1514 Hi Steve - thanks for the suggestion. We'd certainly like to be able to add this feature...
Generate url for Navigate in mobile Google Maps app 4 1328 Thank you for the reply and nice to know it is on the Feature Request list.I agree with t...
dirt road detection 2 436 Thanks for the feedback Jamie. We'd love to be able to do this but are a bit restricted ...
Route profile graph 4 526 I don't think there would be room to add detailed axes on that chart but you can see the ...
Openstreet Map 4 476 The Paths maps uses the same data as the OpenStreetMap map so I'm not sure why they are d...
Time to travel option 3 499 Ok thanks for your quick reply John. Still a great site to use as you can see with all th...