Import to watch as -FIT file to get rid of directions!

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  • Johan Lundberg Wednesday 17 Jun 2020 09:47:36

    Love the Garmin integration but to be really useful for me there needs to be a way to get rid of the directions that garmin adds to all imported files.

    The manual way to do this is to export the cousrse as a fit file and maually add it to the watch, and bypass the creation of directions. leaving the manually added POI/Nav points

  • plotaroute admin   Thursday 18 Jun 2020 08:38:18

    Thanks for this feedback Johan. Unfortunately Garmin's API doesn't currently offer any way for us to send our own route directions, but we're hoping that this will be something they add in a future update. In the meantime, you would need to use the manaul file transfer methods to transfer any directions saved with your route. 

  • Phillip Charlton Thursday 22 Jul 2021 19:42:48

    so I paid for the premium version to easily transfer courses to my Garmin 1030. The directions indicate to star a course...but I only see a heart. Help. 


  • plotaroute admin   Thursday 22 Jul 2021 21:52:07

    Hi Philip - you need to be on your My Routes page (select My Routes from the menus). There is a star symbol that you can click on in the list of routes, assuming you're  using the desktop site. On the mobile site you'll need to select the route from the My Routes page first, then you'll get some options that include the star.

    We have further details in our guide on How To Sync Your Routes to Garmin.

  • Darren Giddins Thursday 12 May 2022 22:43:21

    Hi. is there a character maximum for Key waypoints? My route displays correctly on plotaroute but after exporting the Route as a GPX file, I find that on the device the route is there but the Key waypoints are only a few characters long.

    N.b I tried exporting the file as a TCX file and then exporting it from Garmin connect but even then the Key waypoints are stripped out. The original creation was in OS maps online, a UK based programme that has recently changed the quality of their GPX export files annoyingly!




  • plotaroute admin   Friday 13 May 2022 07:28:12

    I'm not sure what you mean by "Key waypoints" Darren. Do you mean waypoint names. These are truncated to ensure compatability with GPS devices. 

  • Peter Höglund   Friday 13 May 2022 14:46:46

    If its a Garmin watch you have, export from plotaroute with fit file format and you will get longer names on waypoints (course points).

    Copy file to watch with cable to newfiles folder or if you have an Android mobile, use gexporter ciq to wirelessly transfer it.

  • Mark Sibert   Tuesday 20 Sep 2022 21:26:23

    Well darn.  I just upgraded to premium and was hoping to use this feature.  But having the Garmin directions instead of my own is not useful to me.  I may still play with it a bit to see if there's any benefit at all.  I know the Garmin APIs are woefully inadequate, so not blaming the developers here at all.  Having written ConnectIQ apps for Garmin devices myself, and knowing how slow they are to fix things, I wouldn't count on the behavior changing any time soon (if ever).

  • Adam Rykala   Saturday 15 Apr 2023 18:08:06

    I've noticed that if I use the custom directions as waypoints for Up Ahead. -- it works a treat if i download the route as a FIT file and copy to /Garmin/NewFiles it works a treat, but if you use the starred sync option the names of the Up Ahead points are replaced with their types..

    So if for example I plot a route and create a Up Ahead point for a Summit called Pen Y Fan - using the direct FIT copy works a treat, but if I use the Garmin Premium Sync in Connect and on the watch it shows with a name of Summit

  • plotaroute admin   Monday 17 Apr 2023 08:39:55

    Hi Adam - the Garmin API doesn't enable us to send coursepoints with turn arrows, so custom directions cannot be transferred using the Garmin Sync feature I'm afraid.

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