Horse Riding, Motorcycling and MoreFORUMS HOME SEARCH FORUMS

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    plotaroute admin   Sunday 10 May 2015 11:16:00

    Hore Riding, Motorcycling RoutesA number of motorcycle and horse riding enthusiasts have contacted us asking if routes for these activities can be identified separately. We're pleased to announce that this has now been done and that you can now save and search separately for horse riding and motorcycling routes. We're keen to keep the site focused and avoid long selection lists, so we don't plan to add any more categories at this stage, but we have added an "Other" category in case you have a route that doesn't fall into one of the available options.

    If you want to change any of your existing routes from Walking, Running or Cycling to Horse Riding or Motorcylcing, you can do this by editing and resaving the route.  If you have lots of routes you want to change, please contact us with the details and we can update them for you.

    Lastly, while we were making these changes, you'll also notice that we have changed our main home page design. We hope you like the new look!

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