New Instant Locality SearchFORUMS HOME SEARCH FORUMS

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    plotaroute admin   Saturday 09 Jul 2022 12:05:05

    Hi Colin,

    Yes, we've had to change the provider we use for reverse geocoding to get loaclities, so there may be some differences.  There isn't any way to include two localities in a search I'm afraid, but you can force an update of the locality of an older route by resaving it. 

    You can include yourself as the owner of a route search link by going to your profile page and clicking any of the "See all" links to view all your publc routes. From there you can choose further fiters and share the results with a link. This can only include one locality though. 

    A better way to share subsets of your routes is to use the Route Tags feature to assign relevant tags of your choosing to your routes. You can then share routes with any number of selected tags from your My Routes page.


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    Colin Bennett   Friday 08 Jul 2022 15:07:41

    I think locality has changed in some way and it can make searching difficult. For instance, these two routes, and, both start in the same place. The first is newer and its locality is West Heath (previously I think its locality would have been Congleton); the second is older and its locality is Congleton. I have published searches which take locality into account but I can no longer find a search that will pick up both.

    Is it:-

    • possibly to manually change the locality?
    • possible to include two localities in one search?
    • Alternatively could one include owner in a search (in this instance I know they owner is the same for all)?
    • Any other suggestion.


    Colin Bennett.

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    plotaroute admin   Wednesday 24 Sep 2014 09:30:06

    Our latest upgrade has added locality and country information to all routes on the database. This means that you can now quickly and easily display a list of routes that start from a given town or village using the Browse Shared Routes page. Here's a couple of examples:

    You will also now find locality information in other places throughout the site, including the main route information page as shown below. Here you'll be able to click on the route's locality and get a list of other routes that start near the same place.

    Locality Link on Route Page

    Of course, you can still search for routes on the map as well by selecting Find a Route from the menu on the home page or by using the Find menu in the route planner.

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