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Unable to read file 4 102 Are you still getting the issue today? We had a technical issue on one of our servers yesterday, which is now resolved, so this may have been causing the problem.
Unable to save 3 93 This mornig is worling. Rooute was still there, asked again for login and saved.Thansk
Unable to save 3 93 I plotted a route (15662 points) and I'm unable to save... the wheel on save button is rotating rotating rotating... I downloaded as gpx. I hope to be able to upload and working on it tomorrow.
Unable to read file 4 102 Similar to issue - GPX and KML files trying to upload and getting "Unable to read file" as well.
Unable to read file 4 102 When uploading gpx-files previous made on Plotaroute it uploads 99% and states "Unable to read file". Only saved gpx-files made today can be (re-)uploaded succesfully. What can be wrong??
Timer offset (almost) from start 19 182 It works perfectly now! Thanks a lot! Plotaroute is an amazing tool for adventure planning!
Timer offset (almost) from start 19 182 Hi Vincent - we've found the bug and we've implemented a fix. Sorry it took a while to get to the bottom of this.
Timer offset (almost) from start 19 182 Great! Glad you can see it as well. Thanks a lot
Timer offset (almost) from start 19 182 Hi Vincent - thanks for the images you sent by email. I hadn't realised you were using the mobile verision of the website - the problem only seems to affect the mobile site not the desktop site. We c
Trace function enhancement 3 907 I like the new feature to add a route to a collection, very handy! Could the same functionality also be used for traced routes?CheersPeder
Timer offset (almost) from start 19 182 Hi Vincent - those images haven't come through. You can send us an image via our Contact Us page if you're having trouble posting it here. You'll need to send two messages if you have two images, as
Geocaching (waypoints) 1 135 Hi,I'm using plotaroute premium for a few years now. I'm very into geocaching and biking and many times a combination of those two. It would be nice if there was a way in the 'plot with waypoints' se
Timer offset (almost) from start 19 182 With these settings
Timer offset (almost) from start 19 182 I don't understand... this is what I got...
Timer offset (almost) from start 19 182 Hi Vincent,We still can't reproduce this problem here. This is what the Timer shows just 0.2km from the start, with the default hill adjustment settings - 1 minute and 13 seconds, which seems about r
Timer offset (almost) from start 19 182 You can take a screenshot and paste it into a forum post ...
Timer offset (almost) from start 19 182 I cannot drop a picture but when you scoll along the route with timer activated, you can see that after 1km it's showing 3h in the timeroverall time for the complete route looks ok but I m not expect
Timer offset (almost) from start 19 182 We're still not seeing the bug Vincent. Can you provide some more details about the steps to recreate the problem?
Timer offset (almost) from start 19 182 By any chance, did you find the bug?I realize that it's doing the same effect on other routes+3h after few kms. While it was ok few weeks ago. Something changed in the algorithm to apply the hill ef
Opening downloaded map when offline 2 147 Sorry, no, our web app needs an internet connection. However, we do have a new app in the pipeline that will work offline. We don't have a launch date for this at the moment, we're hoping to provide
Elevation -- why not the same after saving route? 2 83 Hi Maryka - the ascent figure shown during plotting is only approximate, as it is based on fewer readings. The final figure is calculated when the route is saved. This is mainly because the elevation
Route download ‘as the crow flies’ 3 128
Route download ‘as the crow flies’ 3 128 Hi Ellen.You probably selected download as gpx route. Set download as gpx track.
Route download ‘as the crow flies’ 3 128 Hi, the last few weeks I've had a problem downloading and importing routes - the process works but when I use the uploaded version from the gpx file the route is wrong - so instead of following the p
Opening downloaded map when offline 2 147 Hi, Is it possible to open a downloaded PlotaRoute map when the mobile device is offline? I have the Mobile web app, but currently my downloaded maps will only open the OS map app.