Miles to KM

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  • plotaroute admin   Sunday 26 Apr 2015 10:38:20

    Hi - thanks for your kind feedback about the site.  

    You can switch between km and miles by clicking the settings icon (a gear symbol) in the top right corner of the route planner.  Your settings are saved in the local storage of your browser, so would be reset if you cleared your brower data or would not be saved properly if your browser data storage was full.



  • Badger Fruit Sunday 26 Apr 2015 09:53:17

    Hmm, rather strangely I have just gone to create a new route and the units are now showing in KM?!

    Any ideas WHY or how this has happened?!


  • Badger Fruit Sunday 26 Apr 2015 09:44:48

    Hi there

    Just stumbled upon this website and would like to start off by saying it's really well produced, looks slick and works a charm, the only thing I've not found or figured out how to do yet, is to show the distance units in KM instead of Miles.  Does anyone know how I can do this please?


    Many thanks!

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