Feature request: metric everywhere

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  • plotaroute admin   Thursday 25 May 2017 07:13:33

    Hi Nikhil - we have advice on this in the following topic: how to change your default distance units.


  • Nikhil Shah Thursday 25 May 2017 05:41:17

    Even if you are logged in and you open your exiting map you default to milesm you have to click on the KM on the bottom of the map (this location is not obvious!) 

  • plotaroute admin   Friday 18 Mar 2016 16:38:58

    Thanks Norman - that's a good idea to create a separate Settings page to change settings like distance units that apply across the whole site.  The site has evolved a lot since we set up the route planer and so there are some setings in the route planner settings panel that could do with being accessible elsewhere too.  I'll add it to the list!


  • Norman Price Friday 18 Mar 2016 11:14:32

    Thanks - the problem was on the route view page - but oddly these now all default to km - though I'm sure I hadn't changed anything (maybe you changed the setting in the route planner for me?). I notice in the route view page the 'More Nearby Rides' list still gives ascent in ft though. I still think it would be more logical to select one's default units somewhere central eg in the drop down under your name to have an entry 'My Preferences' - which would allow other stuff too eg display preferences.

  • plotaroute admin   Friday 18 Mar 2016 10:27:05

    Hi Normal - You can choose your default units setting in the route planner settings (gear icon in top right of route planner).  As long as you are signed in it should then default to your chosen units, unless overidden by other means.


  • Norman Price Wednesday 16 Mar 2016 20:28:07

    Please can we in options select metric units for everything everywhere please?

    km / m/ °C

    It is so annoying to always have to click km at the bottom of a map view!

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