Large route Splitter

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  • Roger Leary   Tuesday 24 Jul 2018 19:06:53

    It would be helpful to have a  button that allows you to split a large route into sections.  

    eg I recently completed a 1500 mile route.  I had to laboriously split this into  100 mile chunks as a 1500mile route takes forever to load.

    I recently discovered there is an online  app at   that does this so its certainly possible.

  • plotaroute admin   Wednesday 25 Jul 2018 07:51:29

    That's a very good suggestion, thanks.  I've added it to our Feature Requests list.


  • Tour McTour   Thursday 21 Feb 2019 04:37:57

    This is certainly one I would be in favour of, as I find it sometimes takes as long to break a route up into manageable chunks as to actually create it! Could do it so that it split routes into set distance or time, or even just a simple "split it where the marker is".

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