On share can the edit be deleted, so the public can not change the route?

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  • Brian Hayes Sunday 10 Feb 2019 12:11:08

    Hi John

    Thanks for that. I was a bit concerned about it.



  • plotaroute admin   Thursday 07 Feb 2019 07:51:48

    Hi Brian,

    I'm glad you like the site and are finding it useful.

    There is no need to worry about other people making changes to your route - if anyone edits the route they can only save the revised version to their own account, they can't overwrite your one.  

    With regard to the map type for embedded maps, I'm afraid we can only offer Street Maps as the default due to the high cost of other maps. The other map types are available though once the route has been loaded.


  • Brian Hayes Wednesday 06 Feb 2019 12:12:40

    When the share code has been added to our website.


    After the route has been shown it goes to a route with a menu and at the bottom is an edit tab, this means that anybody (public) can change the route?

    Can there be a seperate code for showing on webites please? Also can the route be saved as anything but StreetMap? l rather like the Satellite and the OSM Outdoors maps.

    This is a blillant tool.


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