Ascent/descent per distance

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  • Garry Perratt   Saturday 05 Jun 2021 16:38:33

    It would be useful if a route's summary on the "My Routes" page and/or "hilliness" statistics page included ascent and descent per distance (feet per mile or metres per km depending upon preferences). Yes, I know it can be worked out easily but it would be very nice to compare directly (and sort on the "My Routes" page).

  • plotaroute admin   Monday 07 Jun 2021 09:24:03

    Thanks for this suggestion Garry. I think there would be room to add an Ascent Rate column on the My Routes page, so we can certainly look at that. It may be too cluttered and confusing to add a Descent Rate column too, but Ascent Rate is probably more useful. I'm not sure which page you're referring to when you say "hilliness statistics" page though - can you share the link?

  • Garry Perratt   Friday 11 Jun 2021 17:44:41

    Sorry, I mean the "route statistics" panel of the "more detailed profile" of a route.

    BTW, another idea which came to me recently is to be able to opt in to notifications of new feature requests. It's really nice how you gauge interest in feature requests but many users probably aren't aware of some that they igth find really useful.

  • plotaroute admin   Monday 14 Jun 2021 07:58:56

    Thanks Garry. We should be able to add an Ascent Rate there - we'll have a look at that. We've added it to the My Routes page now.

    That's a good idea about notifications for new features - thanks.

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