RESHAPE ROUTE and 'sticky" anchor points

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  • plotaroute admin   Thursday 26 Aug 2021 08:28:26

    Thanks for letting us know. We'll have a look into it to see if we can work out what's causing it. As it's an intermittent problem it's difficult to resolve, so if anyone is able to consistently repeat the problem and share the steps to do so, please let us know.

  • Jeanne Miller   Thursday 26 Aug 2021 01:09:15

    I just experienced the same problem. I reshaped my route, went to "Clear Anchor Points" and it refused to clear it, but only one stretch of the trail. I am running Windows 10. I have saved the route and closed and re-opened and they're gone. This is new.

  • plotaroute admin   Monday 09 Aug 2021 18:10:01

    Thanks for reporting this. We haven't been able to recreate the problem here though. Did you save the route after clicking the Clear Anchor Points button - the anchor points will reappear if you didn't save the route?   

  • Mark Worthington   Monday 09 Aug 2021 13:55:20

    I have also experienced this on a Windows 10 PC. It gets to the point where I save (or download) the route, and shut down/restart PR (which certainly clears anchot points), then reload.

  • Piers Robinette   Monday 09 Aug 2021 09:42:35

    When I use RESHAPE ROUTE I'm finding that the anchor points do not clear from view when I use CLEAR ANCHOR PTS or FINISH. This means when I do a number of reshaping iterations I get "old" anchor points still displayed from one iteration to the next. These "old" anchor points are actually only display artifacts rather than real anchor points. Since I can't tell the difference it gets very confusing trying to reshape and I have to do a lot of "undo's" as the route goes haywire when I mistake "old" anchor points and real anchor points.

    I'm using a Mac running Catalina 10.15.7, and Firefox 90.0.2 (64-bit).

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