Overriding the interval between miles

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  • john Dalziel Wednesday 17 Nov 2021 19:19:47

    Good afternoon - I organize and run a yearly ruck march that has averaged between 275 and 300 miles. It would be really convienent if the interval between miles on the route would be in intervals of 5 and not 16. Is there any way to override the preset distance? Thank you

  • plotaroute admin   Thursday 18 Nov 2021 09:07:02

    Hi John,

    The interval between the mile markers is currently automatic - we adjust the interval depending in the length of the route and the size of the screen, so that the route is not obscured by too many markers. On a larger screen you'll get a shorter interval. There isn't any way to change this at present, but this is on our list of Feature Requests, so if anyone would like us to add this, please vote for this on our Feature Requests page (number 42).

  • Mark Worthington   Thursday 18 Nov 2021 17:27:47

    A brute force method is to make a user entry option ..... default is automatic, nut option to set a value manually. I have voted.

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