Route Details

Black History Hike Part Of History Series

Hikers following this self-guided route will learn about the significant role persons of Black African ancestry (enslaved, freed and free), played during the early years of Canadian history. From the site of the Battle of Queenston Heights, along the Niagara River, and into NOTL, hikers will visit ten places of historical interest, listed below.

This hike is part of the N-BTC History series. For those interested in obtaining the History badge, photographs of the sites will need to be submitted.

Background: In 1791, when Upper Canada (UC), now Ontario, was formed, slavery was legal. About 500-700 Black slaves lived in UC and 30 lived in its capital, Newark (since renamed NOTL). Many Loyalists had brought their slaves with them from the US when they moved North, following the American Revolution. This hike tells the journey of some of those courageous people.

For more information, hikers are encouraged to download the self-guided walking tour app at prior to their hike.

1. The Coloured Corps plaque (near Brock's monument, overlooking the Niagara River).
2. Chloe Cooley plaque (on the Niagara Parkway, near Concession 6).
3. Court House and Gaol plaque (in Rye Park, off Rye St., between Flynn and Paffard St).
4. Negro Cemetery plaque (on Mississauga St, between Mary and John St).
5. Steward House (507 Butler St, off John St. W).
6. St. Andrew School House plaque on Gage St., between Mississauga and Simcoe St).
7. Fort Mississauga: built in large part at great risk by the Coloured Corps, much of the original work done 1813-14 still stands.
8. Statue of Lt-Governor John Graves Simcoe (responsible for the Act to Limit Slavery, passed in 1793, first anti-slavery act in Britain); on the edge of Simcoe Park, between Prideaux/Byron St and King
9. Voices of Freedom Park sculpture (corner of Regent and Johnson St); opened in 2018; tells the forgotten stories of people of African decent, enslaved, freed and free, whose sacrifices, labour, skills and talents contributed to the development of NOTL and Canada.
10. former Parliament Oak School wall carving/inscription (King St); recognizing this as the site of one of the sessions of the first Parliament of UC, and its importance to freedom and democracy).


Route Statistics
metric imperial

DISTANCE 11.945 miles
501 ft (31%)
813 ft (38%)
Black History Hike Part Of History Series

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Black History Hike Part Of History Series
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