Route Details

13th April Completed Ride. 40.5 Mils

by Becky - Photo
1 year ago
Near Little Somerford, GB
14mph winds on ride. Both strava and komoot once again kept stopping so i had to map the route out again on here, of exactly where i went. in summer bib, it was cold, not meant to rain but it did coming out of malmesbury i got soaked. back sore today on bike abit. felt confident riding and on busier roads. nice to do new route, but one i know well when working for edgar. 12.30 to 4.45. 3hrs 45 mins cycling i hardly stopped. Only to check route. Only stopped to eat near lea delmer.
I had to go back on myself and find a different way into kingston st michael as maintance lorry blocking the road cutting wood, says be 15 mins. But i decided to go back, i knew it was quite a way back. But i had no choice really other than wait, and i didn't want to.
I thought some hills might be abit testing, but i found none, there were not hills really. only coming back into upper seargy, hardly a hill. I was getting tired near the end.

Distance 40.568 miles Ascent/Descent (Raw) 1709 feet / 1709 feet
Ascent Filter 2 m -+ Ascent/Descent (Filtered) 1519 feet / 1522 feet
Lowest Point 193 feet (at 0.84 miles) Highest Point 436 feet (at 23.54 miles)
Uphill 15.32 miles (37.8%) Downhill 13.98 miles (34.5%)
Flat 11.24 miles (27.7%) Height Gain 242 feet
Steepest Uphill +11.1% (at 3.52 miles) Steepest Downhill -10.0% (at 3.19 miles)
Longest Uphill 1.17 miles (at 27.74 miles) Longest Downhill 0.78 miles (at 25.33 miles)
Ascent Rate 42 ft/mile Descent Rate 42 ft/mile

I didn't take any photos as i didn't want to disrupt komoot, wanted to see if it would keep navigating me without disruption. While phone was in my pocket, when i looked at phone, photo mode was on, i must of pressed it by mistake while riding, and it caused the route to pause and i had to save it 3 times, in order to keep me navigating me.

strava stats.

strava not recording route properly.
but stats of what it recorded.
avg speed 11.4 mph
max speed 36.2 mph
moving time 2hrs 44 mins elasped time 3hrs 38 mins
avg heart rate 149 bpm
max heart rate 182 bpm
elevation gain 979 ft
max elevation 396 ft

Route Statistics
metric imperial

DISTANCE 40.568 miles
1709 ft (38%)
1709 ft (34%)
13th April Completed Ride. 40.5 Mils

st lb  
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About the Calorie Calculator

Our Calorie Calculator estimates how many Calories you will burn using Metabolic Equivalent (MET) values from Compendium of Physical Activities. The Compendium idenitifes the relative energy cost of undertaking various activities compared with doing nothing. We then combine this with your weight and the estimated duration of the activity, taking into account the length of the route and the hills involved, to estimate the total Calories burned.

When selecting an Activity setting, select the speed you would normally travel at on flat ground.

Please remember, the estimated number of Calories is just a guide and the actual number of Calories burned may vary depending on other factors such as weather and terrain.

Route Map

13th April Completed Ride. 40.5 Mils
Route Map
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