Route Details


Start/Finish; Brandon Village
Time; 4-5 hours
Map No. 70 Discovery Series
Max Height; 401 m
Colour Code; White
Class; Grade 2

Description; This walk is over public road, bogland and well surfaced bog road. Please don't bring dogs on this route, even on a lead. The cliffs at An Sás are dangerous, don't cross the wire fence along the edge of this coast line. With regard to terrain, it's easy walking over bogland on a fine day, but dangerous if foggy.

An Sás, literally translated means 'a trap', which refers to how much flotsam and jetsam is washed into this narrow cove. People lived in Sás up until the 19th century. There's one green field remaining from that settlement, but the other green fields in this area are now eroded. We don't recommend that you attempt to descend into Sás, it's dangerous especially when wet.

Begin at Brandon village, follow the public road which is sign posted for Srón Bhróin/Brandon Point. Turn left at Srón Bhróin over the stile and up along the green trackway to the lookout post from World War 2. Follow the trackway for a few hundred metres before breaking off to the right, to gain the summit of An Buaicin (251 m). To get to the height 324m at Sliabh Glas, there are two routes. The harder, goes downhill and up the steep slopes of Cnoc Duiléibhe (311 m). The easier, goes downhill and follows the river around Cnoc Duiléibhe to the south. Follow the river to the source and the 324m Sliabh Glas (Slieveglass), is a short distance to your right (north). From here there are views into Sás. Don't cross the wire around the creek, there's a lot of land subsidence and it's very dangerous.
Follow the wire fence south and later south westwards along the top of Sás, until you reach the height 401m at the southwestern corner of Sás. West is a river, which can be clearly seen. Walk in this direction, first downhill, then follow the river, crossing a wire fence, until you meet the Teer Bog Road. Turn left to Teer Cross and left again to Brandon Village.

Route Statistics
metric imperial

DISTANCE 7.538 miles
1555 ft (46%)
1548 ft (50%)

st lb  
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