Combine route autoplots to my house

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  • John Abell   Wednesday 06 Apr 2022 11:49:54

    Very curious.  If there are no routes open, and I start using the Combine Routes function to call up and append the two routes it works.

    But... If I have one of the routes already open, THEN use the Combine routes function, they append okay, but additionally adds on a final section back to the beginning of the first route to complete a loop!   How about that! 

  • plotaroute admin   Wednesday 06 Apr 2022 09:15:04

    Hi John,

    Have a look at the steps in the following How To Guide to see if this helps: How To Join Together Two Or More Routes

    If you have an extra section you need to delete from the end of the route you can use the Shorten Route tool.

  • John Abell   Wednesday 06 Apr 2022 02:29:20

    I am trying to combine two routes, the first starting at my house and ending at town A.  The second starts at town A, goes for a 100km, and ends at town B.

    But....   When I combine these two routes, for some reason, in addition to what its supposed to do, which is creat a single route from:=
    my house > Town A > Town B

    it instead does:-
    my house > Town A > Town B > My House.

    I can find no way to stop it wanting to complete a loop, nor have I been able to delete that final section back to my house.   What's going on?

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