Route Details

Holt Norfolk 100

by Harvey Taylor
3 years ago
Near Holt, GB
A century ride through varied terrain on generally quiet roads.

Cycle spares, repairs and hire: John Overland, 34 Norwich Road (01263 713293).

Start on Cley Road.

2.8 miles - L into Bridgefoot Lane to follow blue Regional Cycle Network Route 30 signs to 11.3 miles Copy's Green (Wighton). Then pick up the red National Cycle Network Route 1 signs to 36 miles Sandringham.
Signage is easy to spot, but stay alert at junctions.

36 miles - L into Donkey Pond Hill, leaving NCN 1.

36.4 miles - L into Common Road.

37 miles - L into Lynn Road.

37.3 miles - R into West Newton Road.

39 miles - R&L to cross A148 into Station Road.

40.3 miles - SO Lynn Road into Chapel Road.

Keep R at Pott Row to follow Leziate Drove.

42.7 miles - R into B1145 (Gayton Road).

43 miles - L into East Winch Road, passing Ashwicken school.

45 miles - R into Gayton Road.

45.3 miles - L into Station Road.

Cross A47 into Common Road.

47.8 miles - L into Abbey Road.

49.2 miles - keep R at church into Narborough Road.

Keep R&L on Pentney Road (not Pentney Lane).

51 miles - R into Main Road.

51.4 miles - R into Chalk Lane (and into 2nd half of route).

54.3 miles - R into A1122 to 54.7 miles L into Narborough Hill.

SO at x-roads.

56.6 miles - L into Eastmoor Road, then keep R at junction into Stoke Road (avoiding the left turn into the 1st Oxborough Road).

60.1 miles - L into Oxborough Road.

62 miles - at Oxborough church pick up the Swaffham Road and continue through Cockley Cley. This becomes Cley Road as you approach Swaffham.

68.7 miles - R at top corner of small park into Haspalls Road.

69 miles - L into A1065 and soon R into Whitecross Road.

69.3 miles - R into North Pickenham Road.

73 miles - L into Brown's Lane.

74.4 miles - L into Hale Road.

75 miles - R&L to cross A47 into Dunham Road.

80 miles - L into Church Street (Litcham).

80.3 miles - cross B1145 and bear R into Tittleshall Road.

82.2 miles - keep R through Tittleshall on Fakenham Road.

83.5 miles - R into Mill Lane, keeping R at small junction.

85 miles - L into London Street.

87 miles - R into School Road, keeping L into Crown Road and R just past The Crown to descend Hall Lane.

87.8 miles - L into B1146 and soon R into Fakenham Road (direction Ryburgh).

Keep L at pub and church to cross river and climb Bridge Road.

91.2 miles - L&R or use cycle route to cross A1067 into Fulmodeston Road.

93.5 miles - R into Hindolveston Road.

95 miles - SO B1110 Holt Road.

96.5 miles - L into Melton Road.

99 miles - L&R to cross Briston Road into Holt Road.

100 miles - R into Dereham Road.

*On the ascent of Ingmote Hill (The Moot) contemplate approaching refreshments.

103.3 miles - L (1st exit) at roundabout.

103.5 miles - R into Holt High Street.

*Ingmote Hill is one of those hills that are steeper than they look, so you are probably going better than you think.


Route Statistics
metric imperial

DISTANCE 103.718 miles
3720 ft (34%)
3717 ft (32%)
Holt Norfolk 100

st lb  
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Holt Norfolk 100
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