Route Details

Rough Ridge To Linnville Cove Viaduct - Blue Ridge

by Jinxie 395
4 years ago
Near Collettsville, US
This is an amazing relatively short but gratifying route of arguably the most beautiful section of the Tanawha Trail alongside the Blue Ridge Parkway. Details at the bottom for extending this route. Get the most amazing camera shots of the viaduct from above and experience awesome views of the Grandfather mountain area, streams, large rock cliffs, and other natural wonders. This hike is most easily done with two vehicles, one parked at each end.

Most people will go to rough ridge and go back to the parking lot, but going onward to the viaduct is well worth it and takes the experience to another level. This route is very steep in the beginning and you will have to maneuver around a few large rocks. The trail will take you through the forest, over a small stream, and up a rocky mountainside. At the top of rough ridge is a wooden boardwalk among mountain boulders and cliffs with some amazing views of the Grandfather Mountain area. You will then make your way toward the viaduct. Be sure to stop at an outcropping to take the best shot of the Linnville Viaduct you can get (unless you have a drone or helicoptor of course). This area looks absolutely stunning during the leaf change. Finish the trail by passing under the viaduct and see the underside supports and how they are attached to the mountain. It is very interesting. Make your way to the viaduct visitors center to learn the history of such an engineering feat, and use the facilities.

To extend this route get on the Tanawha trail at an earlier parking lot, such as Raven Rocks overlook, or even further at the Boone Fork parking area near mile marker 300. You can also end this route later, at the Beacon Heights parking lot.

Route Statistics
metric imperial

DISTANCE 2.295 miles
600 ft (44%)
590 ft (54%)
Rough Ridge To Linnville Cove Viaduct - Blue Ridge

st lb  
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