Support Added for Garmin FIT FilesFORUMS HOME SEARCH FORUMS

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    Wiktor Plaga Tuesday 29 Aug 2023 12:05:28

    TIL: if you import a Garmin Event's course to an activity with a correct type (same as the event), you can receive special event-related Garmin Badges! This website rocks, thank you so much.

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    plotaroute admin   Friday 11 Oct 2019 08:09:42

    Hi Terry,

    As far as I know you can import routes in GPX format to Garmin Zumo devices but  I believe that Zumo devices recelculate any routes imported from other applications, so you probably won't be able to transfer an exact copy of routes from plotaroute.


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    Terry Turner Thursday 10 Oct 2019 17:29:34

    Hi New guy to this. can any one tell me if garmin zumo 550 or 660 is compatible with this system. thanks

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    Willy Van Driessche Wednesday 28 Aug 2019 19:36:18

    Hi Dom, thank you for that extra information. (Hi Peter)

    "Trying to extract information from the Notes field but stay within (10)16 characters is tricky".

    Agree, the resulting truncated (local language)<Name> construction is sometimes rather 'strange'.

    I prefer the "Locus map" direct translation from [EN]<PointType> into (local language)<Name>.

    Applied into tcx_fit <Name> and in the Locus "tcx clone by gpx", into <name>.

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    Peter Höglund   Wednesday 28 Aug 2019 18:14:12

    Notes field but stay within 16 characters is tricky - you'd have to try to parse out any commentary like Sharp Right On before the street name to make sure the 16 charm

    The Abbrevation feature in Direction dialogue has really been a helping hand for me in shortening the name to fit better to the 16 char limitation. For instance can you automatic change the long 'Turn sharp right Routestreet' to 'ShR Routestreet'.

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    Dom McIntyre   Wednesday 28 Aug 2019 11:02:58

    If you want to see the detailed contents of a FIT course, the FIT SDK contains utilities to decode FIT files into csv. 

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    Dom McIntyre   Wednesday 28 Aug 2019 10:53:49

    I wonder if fit files (binary) indeed do contain that same complete info as in parent tcx.

    Nope. For the most part, FIT can support more info than TCX (note the threads about different types of turns such as sharp right), but for coursepoints, TCX supports the Name (limited to 10 characters) and Notes fields, where FIT supports only a Name field (limited to 16 characters).

    I can tell you (because I wrote it) that the library that generates the FIT output just transfers the Name field. Trying to extract information from the Notes field but stay within 16 characters is tricky - you'd have to try to parse out any commentary like Sharp Right On before the street name to make sure the 16 characters actually told you something more useful than the Name alone.

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    Willy Van Driessche Friday 23 Aug 2019 11:01:56

    To say: By Notepad ++ I do notice Name text but do not discover any Notes text in the generated fit file.

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    Willy Van Driessche Friday 23 Aug 2019 10:30:22

    Hi John.

    I know what the tcx files contain. (text readable). I wonder if fit files (binary) indeed do contain that same complete info as in parent tcx.  In the app I do use this extra info does not show up. In tcx = ok.  So Q: An issue in the generator or technically a fit files doe not support ?  Or an issue (not supported) into the app ? Can an Garmin user confirm ?

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    plotaroute admin   Friday 23 Aug 2019 09:16:26

    Hi Willy,

    Our FIT files contain virtually the same information as our TCX files, so if you want to see what these contain you can look at the contents of a TCX file by viewing it in a text editor. The Notes attribute of any coursepoints in the file will normally contain the street name.


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    Willy Van Driessche Thursday 22 Aug 2019 19:06:31

    Do fit files support street names as in example tcx by the "Notes" attribute ? 

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    plotaroute admin   Monday 10 Oct 2016 09:52:40

    Thanks for the nice feedback Rob.

    For anyone interested in seeing an option to download routes in FIT file format, please vote for this on our feature request list (number 5): 


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    Rob Hill   Sunday 09 Oct 2016 10:20:05


    I love the site. Best map creator I have used to date!

    I have 2 garmin devices, an edge 810, which can accept .gpx files to create courses. I download from plotaroute straight to the unit, this works great since the unit can convert the gpx files to usable routes.

    I also have a 920xt, which only uses .fit files. Would it be possible to add .fit support to the file export? 

    I know this will also help uusers with the populae Edge 20 and 25 units, which also cannot accept .gpx routes


    Kind regards



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    plotaroute admin   Friday 03 Oct 2014 09:19:43

    FIT File UploadWe are pleased to announce that we have recently added support for uploading Garmin FIT files to This means that you can now upload route files in any of the following formats: GPX, TCX, FIT and KML, as well as uploading directly from compatible Garmin devices.

    The FIT file format is the format used by most of Garmin's more recent GPS devices, so it is becoming increasingly popular. FIT files store data more efficiently than the more established TCX standard, so this means you can store more data on your device and transfer files more quickly.

    To upload a route to, just select Upload a Route from the menus or use the upload route shortcut:

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