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    John Wood Friday 14 Nov 2014 20:34:02


    In drag mode, when I click on either the red or the green circle, and try to drag them, both circles move together. ie the distance between them stays the same. I need to alter the distance between the 2 circles to a much higher distance. How do I do this



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    plotaroute admin   Saturday 15 Nov 2014 11:16:07

    Hi John - the Drag Mode can only be used to edit short sections of the route, as most browsers can't generally cope with large numbers of editable points.  To edit longer sections, use the "Replot Section" feature under the Plot menu.



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    Brad Shannon Tuesday 13 Jan 2015 18:18:31

    Thanks - also, wondering if "replot" is the best approach for fixing unintended loops in a route.

    Sometimes, the tool auto plots based on a click that may not have been especially accurate.

    That leads to an unintended diversion in the form of a loop that may not make sense.

    Also, when you activate drag mode, it seems to randomly select a section - how do you control which section is selects to modify?

    Love the tool, using it to plot some motorcycle routes.

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    plotaroute admin   Wednesday 14 Jan 2015 08:28:53

    Hi Brad - I've you do something unintended, the best thing to do is click the UNDO icon and it should revert back.

    If you want the route planner to select a specific section of the route when Drag Mode is activated, it should do this if you zoom in to show just the section of the route you are interested in before turning the Drag Mode on.



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