Switchover to Secure BrowsingFORUMS HOME SEARCH FORUMS

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    plotaroute admin   Thursday 05 Nov 2015 02:00:00

    We are pleased to announce that plotaroute.com has now switched over permanently to secure browsing. You should not notice any difference when using the site, although you will now see small padlock symbol in your browser's address bar, which indicates that your browser is using a secure HTTPS connection to communicate with the website instead of the previous HTTP connection. Please let us know if you do encounter any issues though by commenting on this news post or contacting us via the Contact Us page from the navigation menus.

    plotaroute.com HTTPS address

    Any requests to access to old HTTP site will be automatically redirected to the secure site. If you have embedded maps from plotaroute.com on your own website, these will also be automatically redirected to the HTTPS version. This happens behind the scenes so you won't notice this but you can help us and help the embedded maps load more quickly by simply changing the "http" part on the link in the embedded map code to "https", e.g. "https://www.plotaroute.com/embedmap/1".

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