Editing directions / mapfocusFORUMS HOME SEARCH FORUMS

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    Colin Hoppe   Wednesday 09 Dec 2015 20:51:15

    I've created a number of routes, some of which have yet to be readied for the first test ride, by tidying up the directions, adding some, deleting some, amending some. 

    Each time I save a direction, Plotaroute redisplays the directions list at the top (1) regardless of how far down I was.  I have to scroll down to find the one I just edited, say 40, and check 41. 

    If 41 on the map is off the screen, I have to zoom out, drag the map around to find where it is, then zoom in again, then decide if I need to do anything (change it, delete it etc).

    It would make editing much easier if

    a) after saving an edited or added direction, it redisplayed, for example with the saved direction at the top of the screen.  Then I just work down the list from that point, and

    b) there was a button that focused the map so the direction I highlight (cursor sitting on perhaps, or it's text is in the editing box) is "centred" on screen.  "Centred" in this case means I would like to be zoomed so the screen shows 3 directions - the highlighted one, plus the one before and the one after.

    This I feel would make the editing process faster and more satisfying.

    Other than that, Plotaroute generally works very well.

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    plotaroute admin   Friday 11 Dec 2015 08:28:46

    Hi Colin - thanks for this feedback, that's really helpful.  Hopefully we should be able to do something to deal with the issue of rescrolling to the direction just edited.

    On the other point...you can centre the map on chosen directions by clicking on the the relevant direction in the list. It won't necessarily show the positions of the preceeding and next direction as well, but will be zoomed in to the direction you chose.


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    Colin Hoppe   Friday 11 Dec 2015 09:09:02

    Thanks John, that would be very useful.


    I have tried clicking on the directions, in editing mode and otherwise, and if that was the solution then I wouldn't have mentioned it.  It helps, of course, but it's certainly not the same as what I suggested.  Even then, I know it wouldn't be perfect for every route because it depends how far it is between each Direction.

    Anyway, I'm sure you will have a play and think about it ...



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    Colin Hoppe   Saturday 20 Feb 2016 18:46:23

    Hello John

    Could this request be added to the "Feature Requests - Vote for New Features" ...............


    "It would make editing much easier if

    a) after saving an edited or added direction, it redisplayed, for example with the saved direction at the top of the screen.  Then I just work down the list from that point, and

    b) there was a button that focused the map so the direction I highlight (cursor sitting on perhaps, or it's text is in the editing box) is "centred" on screen.  "Centred" in this case means I would like to be zoomed so the screen shows 3 directions - the highlighted one, plus the one before and the one after.

    This I feel would make the editing process faster and more satisfying."

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