Enable custom text in the cuesheet to be displayed on Garmin GPS unit??FORUMS HOME SEARCH FORUMS

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    Michael Budds Friday 16 Dec 2016 14:04:08

    Hi everyone,


    I have a question with regards to creating a route and that is, from another well know route creating website they have the ability to let you create a route and also enter in custom cues at various stages of the route(water stop etc) and for those who use a Garmin with navigation ability it will also be displayed on the device itself at that point selected.


    I myself am the route creator of the group in which I ride with, and we have often wanted to ride a planned route which has not been ridden before, but also have the ability to have certain parts of the course marked out for stopping...in short of banging stakes in the ground with signposts, or trying to remember"that pub on the corner" having this feature to pop up on your Garmin would be excellent and most welcome as also the group splits up and it's not always possible to wait around for other's to catch up at a chosen point.


    I see there is an "add direction or notes" when creating a route which lets you type in points/edits to be displayed on the map itself, does this is any way allow for this feature to show up on your Garmin? I know that you have to download the route as a TCX file and not GPX for this to work on the other website, however I really don't want to be using multiple websites just to create a ride and having all what I need on one website would be far more productive.


    I myself use a Mio Cyclo 505 which has excellent navigation, but I only works with GPX files and using TCX files does not allow them to be seen on the device at all, I'm guessing that if I was to create a route with this feature mentioned above on Plot a Route I could just download the created route as a GPX file(after saving it) with no bearing on what was put inside the route by custom cue points buggering it up?





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    Michael Budds Friday 16 Dec 2016 14:25:10



    Apologies as I've just seen the post below mine about POI's.....does editing the directions notes have any bearing on the devices navigation capabilities??? By this I mean if there was a section of road after a long hill climb in which you wanted to make a selected water stop, could the navigation carry on as usual if you was to edit the route place name with your chosen message??




    I would try this out, but I don't own a Garmin GPS.



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    plotaroute admin   Monday 19 Dec 2016 11:24:57

    Hi Mike, you should be able to edit and add directions without fear of changing the basic navigation alerts as the turn arrows are based on the shape of the route.  Whatever text you have in the directions should be what appears on your device.


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    Michael Budds Monday 19 Dec 2016 11:49:31

    Hi again,


    Thanks John, I'll have to see what gets displayed on my Mio as it only supports GPX and not TCX files(which I undertstand allow for custom cue prompts) to be displayed.





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