Difficulty editing an uploaded routeFORUMS HOME SEARCH FORUMS

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    Derek Morris Tuesday 28 Feb 2017 17:18:09

    I have uploaded a long route (250+ miles) that I am trying to edit into 4 seperate 60 mile (approx) 'days'. I have drag mode ON and Auto-Plot Off (but have tried "By Bike" and "On Foot"). I click on my route and red+green markers appear, but they seem to be connected. I can move either marker, but after a short distance both markers move together. I can't seperate them by more than a few miles, making it impractical to try to edit my route.


    Q1. am I doing something wrong?

    Q2. is there a better way to split a long route like this?



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    plotaroute admin   Tuesday 28 Feb 2017 18:33:11

    Hi Derek - the Drag Mode feature is designed for editing short sections of a route.  If you want to edit larger sections it is best to use the Replot Section feature (under the Plot menu).  You might find it helpful to look at the tutorial on Editing Routes which shows both of these in action.

    However, if you want to split an existing route into sections, the best way to do this is to use the Delete Homestretch feature, which allows you to drag the start and finish markers back along the route to shorten it.  You can then save this as a new route by clicking the "Save As New Route" button after clicking SAVE.  Then just reload the full route and repeat this process for each section you want to save separately.

    Hope that helps.


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    Derek Morris Wednesday 01 Mar 2017 10:36:16

    Those suggestions worked, thanks.

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    andrew moore Wednesday 12 Apr 2017 08:12:14

    I have been on holidays for a month and returning to Plotaroute i am unable to acccess my old routes: to either view or edit. What am i doing wrong?

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    plotaroute admin   Wednesday 12 Apr 2017 09:39:15

    Hi Andrew - I can access your routes here, so I'll need some more information about the problem to look into it.  I'll email you directly as this thread is about a different topic. 


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