let my family track me.FORUMS HOME SEARCH FORUMS

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    David Couch Wednesday 24 Oct 2018 17:05:12

    Hello, in March of next year (2019) I aim to run my 1st Half Marathon. I would love a way for my family to be able to track my progress on my route. I am sharing my location with my wife and we can see each other's location on Google Maps. Is there a way to see a plotted route AND our shared locations?

    BTW - I see that Google Maps is used in the Premium version - which I anticipate upgrading to eventually.

    Thank you.


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    plotaroute admin   Thursday 25 Oct 2018 09:02:07

    Hi David - we have a Challenge Tracker feature, but this is mainly for multi-day challanges as you would need to stop to update your position.  We don't have a real-time tracker though I'm afraid, which is what you would ideally need for sharing your position during a race.


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