Option to Auto Plot on Private Paths, Bridleways and TracksFORUMS HOME SEARCH FORUMS

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    Jonathan Stuart Monday 04 Mar 2019 13:35:18

    Thanks John, I appreciate you looking at this.


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    plotaroute admin   Monday 04 Mar 2019 09:25:02

    Hi Jonathan - it isn't really feasible for us to add the extra auto-plot option that you suggested, but we can certianly look into increasing the frquency that we apply OSM updates to our routing engine. Its a very lengthy process to do these updates, as we offer routing for the whole world, but we'll look into what's involved.


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    Jonathan Stuart Sunday 03 Mar 2019 09:39:25


    I use Auto Plot extensively when creating walking and running routes, but many of the bridleways in my area (and, I suspect, more genearlly in the UK) are tagged incorrectly in OpenStreetMap and aren't marked as allowing walkers. Auto Plot won't use these bridleways. When I find these bridleways I update the access tags in OSM but it can take weeks for plotaroute to be updated with OSM updates. I assume that process can't be made faster. If not, then could an option be added to Auto Plot to allow plotting on private paths, bridleways and tracks? The user would have to take repsonsibility for checking whether they can access those routes, but they should do that anyway. This would also be useful for anyone who has access to private land and wants to plot a route.

    Is this possible?



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