Cannot view route on Android phoneFORUMS HOME SEARCH FORUMS

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    Ken Rosie Tuesday 26 Nov 2019 04:09:18

    I have a Windows PC, an Android tablet and an Android phone. I have created a route (ID: 976420) on the Windows PC and can view the route and expand the viewer and everything works fine. If I start Chrome on the Android tablet and view my route there, everything still works fine. However, if I try to do the same thing on my Android phone I just get a blank white screen. I have noticed that on the PC and the tablet, the URL is whilst on the phone the URL is

    I thought that the problem might be that the phone is using the mobile site while the other two devices are using the desktop site so I forced the phone to access the desktop site (which it's doing) but when I go to view the map, the results are the same as before. If I try to force the phone to access the "route" URL rather than the "routeplayer" URL, it just automatically redirects to the "routeplayer" URL.

    Am I doing something wrong or is this a bug?

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    Ken Rosie Tuesday 26 Nov 2019 04:31:25

    It's just started working! I switched back to the mobile site to see what worked and what didn't. I tried thumbnail view and that worked OK but the image was landscape shaped and my phone was in portrait mode. So I allowed my phone to switch between modes and viewed the thumbnail in landscape - all good. So I tried view again and it worked! So I put the phone back into portrait and it still worked!! I expanded the viewer to fullscreen and it still worked!!! I enabled the tracker and there I was, a little blue dot overlaid on the route!!!!

    I have no idea whether anything I did caused it to start working but the important thing for me is that it now *is* working. So I guess this is probably the end of this thread. Unless it stops working, of course, in which case I'll post again.

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