Mobile Uploads and Snap Route to MapFORUMS HOME SEARCH FORUMS

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    Kristian Snelling   Thursday 18 May 2023 20:26:04

    Bah humbug,

    Good shout. Last 1/10th of mile fail! Good spot!

    I will double-check the other two routes that I was fighting with, do not cross the river too - it would make sense and I should know better, I have to change to 'foot' to get across on ferries. 

    However, why does it stop after < 9 miles, when only the last < 1/4 mile is the issue? 

    I fixed it using the 'shorten the route' feature and then returned to the river's other side. All sorted on this one now.

    Thank you

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    plotaroute admin   Friday 19 May 2023 08:22:13

    I'm not sure why it stopped half way through instead of just before the ferry. There is a complex algorithm that tries to match the whole route, so it may have been that to get to the point the other side of the ferry it had to divert half way through the route. 

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