Filter all routes by nameFORUMS HOME SEARCH FORUMS

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    Tour McTour   Tuesday 03 Oct 2023 04:10:53

    Hi, I'm a long-term user and have several hundred routes (actually, I now realise, more than I need, because I have needlessly recreated quite a few) spreading over six pages in the "My Routes" section. I've just realised that when I enter text to filter routes by in the box next to "Route Name" it only filters the routes already shown on that page, not the routes on the other five pages.

    This makes it hard to find routes, and of course it also makes the problem worse, because when I can't find the route I want I end up recreating it, so there are even more pages. If that filter function worked across all routes, not just the ones shown on the current page of results, it would be much better for all involved. 

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    Mark Worthington   Tuesday 03 Oct 2023 05:37:39

    I just tried that and it works for me (found a route buried deep in 5 pages) ...... but then I tried another route and it didn't find it, then did, then didn't (as I typed in different text). Strange

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    plotaroute admin   Tuesday 03 Oct 2023 07:20:18

    Yes, this field is just a quick filter to filter the results already shown. I undertsand how this could be better if it filtered all routes, including those not shown, but this would involve going to back to the database each time a character is typed, so would be much slower. Ir may work if we only did that if you press the Enter key after typing the seach characters. In the meantime, if you know the name of a roite you wnat, you can always use the Universal Search Box next to the menus at the top of most pages.

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