Virtual Partner for Downloaded RoutesFORUMS HOME SEARCH FORUMS

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    plotaroute admin   Thursday 10 Apr 2014 16:34:17

    Garmin Edge 800 Virtual PartnerWe're pleased to announce that we've upgraded our Download a Route feature so that you can now enter the speed or pace that you want to set for the route. This information can be used by the Virtual Partner option found on many Garmin GPS devices, which  helps you pace yourself against your target speed or pace.

    Click on the download icon (D'LOAD) on the map to download your route and then choose the TCX or CRS formats to enter your Virtual Partner settings.

    If you have one of the popular Garmin Edge devices, we have more advice on  How To Download Routes to a Garmin Edge on our forum.

    Finally, as part of these changes, we've also amended the route planner to remember the Auto-Plot option that you last selected (Off, By Road or On Foot), so if you usually use the same option you won't need to reselect it each time.

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