Provide more space for 'Creators Notes' and make these HTMLFORUMS HOME SEARCH FORUMS

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    Martyn Sandford   Monday 17 Apr 2017 08:53:59

    Now that the 'Creators Notes' can be printed out as part of the cover sheet, there would be benefit in making the field larger and enabling it to be formatted, i.e., as HTML. The editor available for creating these Forum notes could then be used to maintain the 'Creators Notes' field also.

    While the ability to add highlights (bold/italics/bullets etc) would be useful, the main benefit in HTML would be access to active, i.e., clickable, links.  These could be used in many ways:

    • To provide a link to an event organiser's website to give quick access to, e.g., registration/joining details.
    • To link to transport information such as train/bus timetables or car parking locations.
    • To link to other Plotaroute routes to provide easy access to follow-on or alternative routes.  (See feature requests 55 and 17 which have requested this and recieved significant numbers of votes.)
    • To link to websites for cafes/pubs or overnight accommodation.

    For example, the following text might appear:

    "Follow route 12345 <link> to return to the start a different way or you can catch a No.99 bus - timetable here <link> - from outside the village store. If you wish to stay over-night, accommodation is available at the ABC Inn <link>."

    An additional benefit of HTML would be the ability to embed images.  These could be used to:

    • Show a charity or organiser's logo.
    • Post a plan of the event marshalling area to show the location of check-in desks, refreshment points, toilets etc.
    • Post a plan of the area near the start to show transport set-down points, car parking or refreshment opportunities.

    All in all, this one, fairly self-contained modification, has the potential to enable significant functionality.

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    Martyn Sandford   Monday 09 Dec 2019 21:15:27

    Hi John,

    I'm returning to argue for this upgrade once more.

    It would be useful if the text editors were all the same and all (like this post editor) HTML.

    By 'all' I mean:

    • Direction text
    • Route information text
    • Forum posts
    • Comments editor
    • Annotation editor (OK there's no text but it would be useful to have it)

    They could all operate the same giving consistency for the route creator, the route user and you, the developer.

    I gave some reasons in my earlier post but, today, I've been working on a 'tree walk' in my neighbourhood (ID 969360).  I'm using the directions both for the intended purpose and to say somehting about the trees.  I'd love to be able to put the name of the tree in bold (and its latin name in italics).  When there is information on the web about the tree, it would be great to be able to add a link. And finally, I would like to put similar information into an off-route annotation.

    You have added some great functionality but there would be nothing lost if it was consistent across the various instances.  For example, annotations have a 'reposition' option but there is no way to drag a direction to a new location on the route when it's plotted in the wrong place.  The only way seems to be to copy the text to the clipboard, delete the old a recreate the new along with re-adding symbols and photos.

    Just some thoughts.  Happy to give more detail if it would be useful.

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    plotaroute admin   Tuesday 10 Dec 2019 08:45:29

    Hi Martyn,

    Thanks for this. I do understand how this would be useful but migrating our route notes from text to HTML would be much more complicated than you would imagine.  There are also lots of other issues to consider, not least the potential for spam. Sadly spam content has become a growing issue that we are constantly battling against and while it is mangeable for us to monitor this on the route comments, I'm not sure it would be for the route notes, as the volume is so much bigger. We will keep this idea in mind though as we continue to develop the site, as I agree it would be very nice to be able to include more just text in the route notes.

    On the other point about repositioning directions, that one should be a bit eaiser for us to address.  I'll put it on the list and see what we can do.


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    Martyn Sandford   Tuesday 10 Dec 2019 12:49:52

    Hello John,

    Thanks for the prompt response. I understand. Sometimes changes can have wider implications than might first be apparent.  Isn't it sad when those who have selfish ends in mind make life so difficult!?

    If you are able to make updates short of a change to HTML, I would request:

    • Harmonising of directions and annotations, i.e., same features/editor(?) for both
    • A bigger box for editing the text (it's a tiny window if there is anything more than simply "turn left" to write)
    • The ability to drag directions around (may be even off the route, i.e., to become annotations?)

    The ability to drag directions around could provide a workaround for them getting deleted when reploting a section of route. Directions at risk of being deleted could be dragged to a 'safe' part of the route and then dragged back into place once reploting is complete.

    Best regards,



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    plotaroute admin   Wednesday 11 Dec 2019 08:39:24

    Hi Martyn,

    When you say "A bigger box for editing the text" are you referring to the box to enter directions?  This shows 4 lines of text, so much more than just "turn left".  Maybe I've misunderstood which one you're referring to?

    By "annotations" I assume you're referring to the text labels you can add to maps.  We wouldn't be able to lengthen these I'm afraid, as they a short out of necessity for design reasons.

    I've added "Develop a way to reposition directions" to out To Do list!


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    Martyn Sandford   Wednesday 11 Dec 2019 12:36:34

    Hello John,

    I understated my case.  :-)  The text I'm wanting to edit is often significantly more than "turn left".  If you take a look at the route I've been working on you will see many exapmples of quite lengthy entries in the text area of the direction.

    With regard to annotations, could the text not simply pop-up when one hovers, as it does for directions?


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    plotaroute admin   Thursday 12 Dec 2019 08:33:31

    It's great to see routes that make use of lots of the website's features as you've done. I can see what you mean by the length of the notes you're adding. We'll look at adding an option to expand the directions text input box in the same way as you can with the route notes when you save a route. This should allow you to see much more of the notes as you enter them.

    We'll put the other suggestion on the list too. We could possibly add a tooltip field in addition to the label title, which would only be shown when you hover over the label or symbol. We do have a very very large number of suggestions to consider though, so I can't promise when this might be done.


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    Martyn Sandford   Sunday 22 Dec 2019 15:12:46


    Pending a potential update, do you have any suggestions for a workaround for modifying a section of a route without loosing its directions?  I'm wanting to make a minor change to the route I'm working on (969360) but it inolves a section with three directions attached to it.  They all have a significant amount of text, a specific symbol and a photo. I know there are at least two ways to modify a route but, as far as I can see, they both involving loosing the directions in their entirity... or am I missing somehting?

    (Apologies, I've strayed off the main topic of this post.  Do paste to a new topic if appropriate.)


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    plotaroute admin   Tuesday 24 Dec 2019 07:28:57

    I can't think of a workaround Martyn, sorry. You'd need to copy the notes text somewhere like a text editor and then paste it back once you've amended that secrion of the route. If you're moving the point on the route though, wouldn't notes/directions no longer apply? If you're not moving the point, you can use the replot or reshape tools to alter the sections befoire or after the point.  Or am I missing something?


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    Martyn Sandford   Tuesday 24 Dec 2019 09:01:53

    Hi John,

    Basically, I've put the direction in the wrong place so I need to move it to the right place adjusting the route slightly as I do so.

    Best wishes of the season,


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    Martyn Sandford   Friday 10 Apr 2020 21:50:26

    Hi John,

    Thanks for the new functionality to be able to move directions. I've been testing it out this evening and discovered a few hicups.

    1) The 'Edit' marker that you drag to indicate the relocate position, appears behind any symbols that have been placed on the route.  If there are a lot of them, the Edit marker becomes diffcult to spot and difficult to click on.

    2) After selecting 'Relocate', the focus returns to the map but the map is zoomed out to a different scale (showing the whole route, I think.)  Having previously selected a zoom level in which the individual location points are visible, I have to zoom all over again to determine the resposition location.

    3) At higher zoom levels, I seem to have to click below the Edit marker to select it rather then on the marker.

    4) To position a direction exactly where I want it, I sometimes have to create an additional anchor point.  The only way I have found to do this is to use the drag to reshape facility.  This does not seem to be working 100% reliably.  In the route I have been using for testting (1078034), I have been left with a number of 'ghost' anchor points that remained on the map until I saved and reloaded it.  While they were present, attempts to drag to reshape resulted in large chunks of the route being replotted, not just the bit I was working on.

    I hope the above is inteligible. I wonder if there is a way to demonstrate while on-line?

    I trust you are keeping well during this worrying and frustrating time.



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    plotaroute admin   Sunday 12 Apr 2020 07:27:34

    Thanks for this feedback Martyn. Hope you're keeping well too. I'll add those points to the list. You can temporarily hide symbols if they are in the way using the switches at the bottom of the map, but we can hopefully change it so that the edit marker is automatically on top. 



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    Willy Van Driessche Tuesday 14 Apr 2020 08:38:13

    It remains an interesting topic that can still be optimized.

    The relocate function by dragging the edit button, unfortunately only allows to place a course point (being a direction or fixed point such as summit) on existing track points. In this way it only offers you a much too coarse positioning selection.

    A very precise selection tool could use the already existing distande positioning tool located at the top of the map screen.

    Provide not only a fast forward / return button but also a slow forward / return button operation. This way you can still define a location very precisely on a very long route.

    Even though multiple overlaps are projected on top of each other, a correct selection should be no problem at all.


    1. By the positioning DISTANCE tool select very precisely the desired course (track) location. This can also be a free position between existing course (track) points !

    2. Push create point button: Place HERE a new course (way) point very precisely at this course (track) location!

       a. Create a new intermediate EXTRA course (track) point HERE. - Automatic.

       b. Create a new associated course (way) point HERE. - Automatic.

       c. Select either a direction or a non-direction point by using the available Icons. - Manual edit selection by user.

       d. Edit Name (name) and Notes (comment). - Manual edit by user.


    File system: tcx_fit (gpx)

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    plotaroute admin   Thursday 16 Apr 2020 12:12:31

    Please see out latest news post for an update on this.

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    Willy Van Driessche Thursday 16 Apr 2020 20:18:38

    I had a fast test. Works well. (Free position). Condition: A track shown without overlaps. Or did I miss something ?

    My compact track specially made for tests only. (And Real test drive test).

    Especially the T deviation navigation out and back is very demanding for most gps's.

    Make a test by placing a point at position 2.7 km. 

    John, this is no negative comment..just hope to help you improving the already so nice Plotaroute design !

    By the Distance glider: Go to position distance 2.7 km. point here. I known, no bamm, maybe later ?

    Only distance glider selector, allows fast comfortable exact placement of points, on even multiple overlapping paths. 

    No ? 


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    plotaroute admin   Friday 17 Apr 2020 08:31:44

    Sounds like a good idea. We'll look into that. 

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    Martyn Sandford   Friday 17 Apr 2020 11:07:06


    I tested last night and found a gremlin.  I have double checked this morning and made some detailed notes so you can reproduce the problem.

    After repositioning a direction, it seems that the numbering of the subsequent directions goes out of sync.  The prior ones appear to be OK. 

    To see this:

    • Open route 969360
    • Use the menu to turn on the Directions pane

    Relocate point marked '5':

    • Zoom in so the point marked ‘5’ is clearly separated from the others. 
    • Click on it to select it.  Edit Information pane opens.
    • Click ‘Relocate’.
    • Focus returns to map with zoom level maintained (good) but ‘Drag me’ marker obscured by pop-up direction text box.  Move cursor away from point and direction text box closes so marker is now accessible.
    • Drag mark (left) to new position.
    • By now the reference, 14, will be highlighted in the Directions pane. Click ‘Relocate directions here’ in Directions pane.
    • Marker relocated.  So far all as expected.

    Now attempt to move point marked ‘6’:

    • Hover cursor over marker ‘6’.  ‘Click to show notes’ appears.  If clicked, it brings up a blank Edit Information pane. Click ‘X’ to close the pane.
    • Now hover cursor over marker ’7’ and the notes for marker ‘6’ appear!  Clicking it brings up the Edit Information pane for marker ‘6’ (direction reference 15 which highlights in Directions pane.)










    Best regards,


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    plotaroute admin   Friday 17 Apr 2020 13:59:07

    Thanks for the feedback, much appreciated. A new version has just been released which should hopefully address these issues. You can also now use the Playback Slider (as suggested by Willy) to position the Edit Marker, as well as dragging it on the map. This should help with selecting positions on overlapping sections of the route, although it may still be difficult to be very precise with this on longer routes if you are using the slider control. To help with this, we've made the Playback Slider wider (where screen width allows), so that the slider increments are as small as possible. Thanks again for all your feedback - the enhancements will hopefully be useful to lots of other users of the site too.

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    Willy Van Driessche Friday 17 Apr 2020 16:12:54

    Nice, really nice. And such a fast realisation !  Wow..

    I added a Garmin (tcx) coursepoint), or by similar method a Locus (gpx) navigation waypoint. 

    (Locus gpx) Result is a correct timestamped waypoint, see in the waypointlist.

    Add a navigation waypoint by Plotaroute

    I suppose John in future you'll probably provide button (slow forward_return) that allows to locate very precise. 

    I do understand is new extra design work to do later. Anyway elegantly solves the operational issue with track overlaps.

    Thank you very much !

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