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Collection - Changing map - inconsistent results 6 174 Thanks for flagging that up - we'll get it fixed asap.
Dynamic Milemarkers and Route Planning Upgrades 16 1203 That one's been there since 2015 Mark! It can be a very useful feature for expermenting with different route options.
Collections - Route colour 18 266 I second that! Collections is a stand-out feature of PR vs other apps, and being able to just define the colours would be a really useful addition.
Collection - Changing map - inconsistent results 6 174 I confirm that, when in View mode. Selecting any map works OK other than the OS map, but once that is selected, problems start.
Collections - Route colour 18 266 It would be useful to be able to select the colour of each route when viewing a collection. I've just plotted a number of routes which are way marked in specific colours. It is very confusing and rat
Collection - Changing map - inconsistent results 6 174 Two related problems:When viewing a collection, I cannot select the Ordnance Survey option for my base map. (I'm a subscribing member and it works in other contexts.) I chick the option and nothing s
sort routes by real date not "time ago" 10 217 The only suggestion I would make is to use the Windows "classic" format dd/mm/yyyy, ie make it absolute and consistent.
Dynamic Milemarkers and Route Planning Upgrades 16 1203 Creating by plotting waypoints then dragging or changing the sequence is really handy. Not sure if this is new, but I've certainly not noticed it before
sort routes by real date not "time ago" 10 217 Thanks for the suggestion Maryka. We'd be interested to know what others prefer - we don't want to change and then get lots of people saying they preferred it how it was!
sort routes by real date not "time ago" 10 217 As per title, can we have a real date listed on the created/modified column rather than 2 days ago, 4 months ago, etc.? Makes searching for something easier if I knew the month/week I created it. T
Dynamic Milemarkers and Route Planning Upgrades 16 1203 Ok, understood.
Remembering Default Sort 11 227 Thanks!
Remembering Default Sort 11 227 Thanks Mark - we'll look into that.
Dynamic Milemarkers and Route Planning Upgrades 16 1203 Thanks for the feedback everyone. Really glad you like the changes.Mark - I'm afraid we've ruled out developing a way of fixing milemarkers at specified intervals, as this creates problems on differe
Remembering Default Sort 11 227 The default Sort for My Routes seems to be remembered (Alphabetical A-Z in my case).However, My Roue Collections always defaults to Most Recent and will not remember my chosen Alphabetical A-Z, even
Dynamic Milemarkers and Route Planning Upgrades 16 1203 Persistent Background RoutesA request, please; waypoints (directions) are removed when Trace is used. I am taking part in the British Cycle Quest ( and o
Dynamic Milemarkers and Route Planning Upgrades 16 1203 I love this feature.
Dynamic Milemarkers and Route Planning Upgrades 16 1203 Perfect, thanks.
Dynamic Milemarkers and Route Planning Upgrades 16 1203 Great enhancements. Love your product, best I've used. Premium account worth every penny. Thanks.
Dynamic Milemarkers and Route Planning Upgrades 16 1203 Dynamic MilemarkersIs there a Feature Request to be able to set the milemarkers? For a 100 miler it would be good to see every 10 miles ..... If not, I'll start a request!Mark
Dynamic Milemarkers and Route Planning Upgrades 16 1203 Wow, these are some really nice upgrades, thanks!!
Dynamic Milemarkers and Route Planning Upgrades 16 1203 We're pleased to announce a bundle of changes that we've just implemented on Plotaroute, including dynamic milemarkers, persistent background routes and creating copies of routes.Dynamic MilemarkersO
Route Name 5 154 Noted!
Login never remembers 13 209 That's great - thanks for the feedback Mark.
Route Name 5 154 Small point, but PR capitilises words when not asked to: enteredDay 00a, Home to MK via Dean's, Thu 23-6-22Day 00b, Home to MK Central, Thu 23-6-22getDay 00a, Home To MK Via Dean's, Thu 23-6-22Day 00