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    Goodmanham, Londesborough, Nunburnholme Round

    Walking route mapped by  Craig Farr Photo
    2 years ago

    Starts near Goodmanham, GBMORE ROUTES NEAR HERE
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    • From the Goodmanham Arms, take a path to the left. This should take you through a wooded area/fields.
    • Follow this up until the Yorkshire Wolds Way and join it.
    • Follow this for a mile and a half until it interconnects with the Wilberforce Way just before Londesborough.
    • On the approach to Londesborough, take the path to the right through a wooded area. Follow this around to Howgate Lane.
    • Stay on Howgate Lane until you approach two bridleways on the left. Take the second path.
    • Follow this until you reach a wooded area and a junction. Take the path on the left leading to Londesborough Hill.
    • At Londesborough Hill, walk on the road until you approach a T-junction. Take the road on the right.
    • Follow this until you reach a farm (some buildings) and take the path on the left.
    • Follow this path through the Merebalk Plantation and up to Back Lane.
    • At Back Lane, turn left and walk on the road as this merges into Nurburnholme Hill. As you reach the junction, turn right and walk long Town Street and into Numburnholme.
    • Walk through Numburnholme, keeping left, and rejoin the Wilberforce Way on your left.
    • Walk along the Wilberforce Way for 1 mile back towards Londesborough. Take a right, and then a right again, joining Shiptonthorpe Road.
    • Then take the first bridleway on your left. Follow this path around a farm, some buildings and a wooded area until you arrive at Intake Hill.
    • Walk down Intake Hill until you reach the Wilberforce Way on your right, and join this.
    • Continue down on the Wilberforce Way as this merges with the Yorkshire Wolds Way.
    • You will arrive at Towthorpe Lane. Cross this and directly rejoin the Wilberforce Way.
    • Follow this all of the way down to York Road. Turn left and walk into Market Weighton.
    • Walk through Market Weighton along the Wilberforce Way until you reach Londesborough Road on your left.
    • Walk down Londesborough Road until you reach Church Road on your right. Walk down Church Road and then turn left at Station Road on the left.
    • Walk down Station Road until you approach a bridleway. Continue past the entrance to the first bridleway and take a right at the second bridleway.
    • Follow this path up to the Hudson Way and take a right.
    • Follow this path until you arrive at the Wilberforce Way on your left and join this.
    • Walk along this until you arrive at Red Lane and take a left. You will then walk up to a junction taking you onto Goodmanham Road. Take the right and walk back into Goodmanham village.
    13.303 miles
    1056 ft | 1056 ft 
    Goodmanham, Londesborough, Nunburnholme Round
    st lb  
    Find out how we calculate Calories

    About the Calorie Calculator

    Our Calorie Calculator estimates how many Calories you will burn using Metabolic Equivalent (MET) values from Compendium of Physical Activities. The Compendium idenitifes the relative energy cost of undertaking various activities compared with doing nothing. We then combine this with your weight and the estimated duration of the activity, taking into account the length of the route and the hills involved, to estimate the total Calories burned.

    When selecting an Activity setting, select the speed you would normally travel at on flat ground.

    Please remember, the estimated number of Calories is just a guide and the actual number of Calories burned may vary depending on other factors such as weather and terrain.


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