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    QueEas 2 REV

    Walking route mapped by  Underway Today Photo
    1 year ago

    Starts near Eastchurch, GBMORE ROUTES NEAR HERE
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    Provides 2 alternative foot routes onto Isle of Sheppey from the Kingsferry Bridge without braving the ford over on QueSit 1 (and QueGil 1 and QueFav 1-3) or about 1km on a fast unpavemented road (see below).

    Queensborough to K Bridge. This is about 6km long. It uses the seawall and although it isn't currently shown as a right of way on maps it will be soon. It will be part of the English Coastal Path, years-long process mostly complete, research, proposals, objections, sign off from minister, final pieces involve planning and making any physical infrastructure required for access and accessibiltiy. For straight access, rather than accessibility I think little work is needed as bloggers suggest it is already walkable, or has been within the last 5 years or so.

    Eastchurch to Bridge - 13km. Uses established footpaths. Rather indirect but almost entirely off road. Passes through Elmley Marshes National Nature Reserve - Dogs on Leads at ALL TIMES! Very nice cafe at their HQ Kings Hill Farm. There is currently no route from Eastchurch to Sittingbourne, the only Slow Way is via Queenborough.

    2 Slow Way Routes are already available which (mostly) cover from Kingsferry Bridge to Sittingbourne

    1) 7km overland via Iwade. Pub /shop in Iwade but also lot of pavement poundng after reaching S'bne outskirts. See QueSit 1 for map etc. See There is a positive review for that part.

    2) 8.5km ish via Coastal Path along Milton Creek. No breaks, Mostly along sea wall. Contrast between winding natural(ish) creeks - reed beds, birds, mudflats vs large industry scattered. QueFav 3 has section up to road bridge. From there into Sittingbourne is probably straight forward as the new Coastal Path here is concurrent with the older Saxon Shore Way. here is a good chance this bit is fairly easy to follow and adequately signposted.

    Fast road I want to avoid - Queenborough Rd from A2500 to A250 past Neatscourt Farm. Used to be the main way into Queenborough. There is a newer, wider and probably faster road running parallel now and some maps show it as a quiet road but I can't see anything stopping cars from happily using it at high speed. It's easily wide for 2 cars to pass each other at speed. There is only very sporadic pavement, often no verge or bank with high growing vegetation. I don't want to walk along it myself but your tastes may differ.
    11.749 miles
    209 ft | 354 ft
    QueEas 2 REV
    st lb  
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