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    Klonzo Lower Loop

    Route mapped by  Nelu Goia Photo
    2 years ago

    Starts near Thompson, USMORE ROUTES NEAR HERE
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    Overview Suggest Change
    The Klonzo Area is located off of Willow Springs Road north of Moab. With nearly nine miles of trail, it's easy to create any kind of ride you want.

    The Klonzo system is a great leg stretcher after a long drive to Moab or an excellent place to take a new mountain biker to experience the desert.

    Mellow grades, killer views and tight, swoopy singletrack make Klonzo a sweet little outing. Wahoo is the only trail that should be ridden in a certain direction (counter-clockwise is 'more fun' as the sign indicates).

    Cross Canyon Trail is a good 'up' give riders good access to hit Secret Passage (remember, counter-clockwise = more fun) as well as Dunestone and Boondocks. Borderline stands isolated on the eastern edge of the area and is an absolute blast to rail down.
    Need to Know Suggest Change
    The Klonzo Area is non-motorized, but is located near the multi-use Sovereign Trail system. Be aware of vehicles on Willow Springs Road as it can get busy with different user groups accessing trails.

    Visitors have their choice of two parking lots for Klonzo. The lower parking lot gives immediate access to Dunestone, Boondocks and Borderline. The upper lot, located a half mile further, provides access to Borderline and Cross Canyon.
    Description Suggest Change
    The Klonzo - Lower Loop begins at the lower parking lot. Head out on Borderline and stay left, going uphill at the kiosk for the upper parking area.

    At the Cross Canyon intersection, turn left and begin the rolling climb towards Secret Passage. Continue through intersections for Dunestone, Borderline and the lower end of Secret Passage (because you'll want to ride it counter-clockwise). Keep pedaling north and take a left at the upper Secret Passage intersection.

    Secret Passage is a short but sweet foray into a little drainage. The trail swoops and carves down smooth trail along the left side. The inside turns are very stable and can be railed hard, but the outside turns are pretty soft and could ruin your day if you get too aggressive. From the bottom of Secret Passage there is a short steep climb back out to Cross Canyon.

    After retracing a short section on Cross Canyon heading south, turn right on Dunestone. The trail name reflects just what it is; a link up of petrified dunes all stuck in perfect waves. The trail can be ridden in a loop in either direction or used as a connector to get to Boondocks.

    Pedal over the waves of slickrock to the intersection with Boondocks. You'll be at the edge of the mesa top looking down over a red dirt valley littered with clusters of white sandstone formations. Follow the purple paint stripes to the right (Dunestone is bright green).

    Boondocks descends quickly through a break in the rim, across a saddle and around to another intersection. Stay right to take the eastern leg of the Boondocks loop. The trail is fun and twisty and enjoyable as it weaves in and out of boulders along the valley bottom.

    At the lower Dunestone intersection turn right and ride up a short punchy climb to get up and over to the lower Klonzo parking area where you started the ride.
    3.270 miles
    354 ft | 351 ft 
    Klonzo Lower Loop
    st lb  
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    Our Calorie Calculator estimates how many Calories you will burn using Metabolic Equivalent (MET) values from Compendium of Physical Activities. The Compendium idenitifes the relative energy cost of undertaking various activities compared with doing nothing. We then combine this with your weight and the estimated duration of the activity, taking into account the length of the route and the hills involved, to estimate the total Calories burned.

    When selecting an Activity setting, select the speed you would normally travel at on flat ground.

    Please remember, the estimated number of Calories is just a guide and the actual number of Calories burned may vary depending on other factors such as weather and terrain.


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