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Use NCNs 7 219 We've made some changes to our Auto-Plot routing "By Bike", one of which is to give a higher priority to cycle networks, so it should now follow official cycle routes unless it would lead to a signif
Navigation Accuracy 5 174 Sorry, we don't have a confirmed timescale yet.
AccuTerra maps missing 10 257 Confirmed now available on route collections, thanks.
Navigation Accuracy 5 174 Ah OK, I guess it's due to it being a web app in that case. Is there a development timeline for a native app?
AccuTerra maps missing 10 257 We've implemented a fix for this, so you should now see the option on Route Collections.
AccuTerra maps missing 10 257 We'll look into that Liam - thanks.
High contrast, low ink printed maps 2 664 Thanks for that suggestion Liam. We've added it to our Feature Requests list where people can vote for it.
Navigation Accuracy 5 174 I'm not sure Myles. Our app just process the location that the device provides, so we don't have any control over the accuracy of it. It may be affected by things like battery levels and other apps y
Duplication of some downloaded track points 18 323 Thanks for that additional clarification Mark. Much appreciated.I totally get and accept that explanation and we can close it there.Jim
Duplication of some downloaded track points 18 323 Jim,It seems to me that this is just the result of how the routing algorthim works. You select teh start and then the 1st point, and it calculates a route from the start to that point. When you click
AccuTerra maps missing 10 257 I do not find AccuTerra maps as an option on collections now. It is present and usable everywhere else.
High contrast, low ink printed maps 2 664 Make a special map specifically for printing that has high contrast and clear information on roads and trails, with no ink on most of the page. I find Inkatlas Urban to be particularly good (Inkatlas
Navigation Accuracy 5 174 Is there a reason that my location drifts off course regularly where apps such as Komoot and AllTrails don't for the same routes? I find myself needing to export routes so that I can follow them in K
Duplication of some downloaded track points 18 323 You are correct on all counts Mark. And it doesn't impact on my gps nor Fenix in the field. So from a practical perspective it has no navigational impactAnd now that I have at least two viable workar
Duplication of some downloaded track points 18 323 Yes, Jim, it would have me about 20 clicks to copy the route.In practice, the presence of these duplicate points does not seem to affect the usefulness of a plotted route. I have cycled thousands of
Duplication of some downloaded track points 18 323 Willy - thanks for those links.I have found that editor and used it to remove duplicates.Yet another viable workaround.Jim
Duplication of some downloaded track points 18 323 @ Jim.You can analyse and solve that very quickle by the freeware gpx editor. In the left down panel you find the anaylyse window. (Copy paste text)(See also the you tube video)
Duplication of some downloaded track points 18 323 Thanks for your detailed analysis Willy.Your counts, give or take a point, mirror mine and appear to confirm duplicates in one file and none in the other.Was that a manual exercise on your part (incl
Duplication of some downloaded track points 18 323 Opening Wr160b_11pts.gpx1 waypoints0 routes (0 points))1 tracks (307 points in 1 track segments)TGPXTrack Segment #1 (307 points) 14.7 km / 3:59:29 = 3.7 km/hRemove duplicates:Track Segment #1 (295 p
Duplication of some downloaded track points 18 323 Jim,I was a bit rash in offering to investigate, as I'm off on a cycling holiday to Ireland tomorrow. I looked at those 2 files are they appear to be identical, ie overlap when one is traced over the
Duplication of some downloaded track points 18 323 I can do that Mark.Just made the two routes public.They begin with wr160......In answer to your questions - yes I used 'auto plot' and 'on foot' on Streetmap in both cases.The route ending in '11pts
Duplication of some downloaded track points 18 323 Jim,If you could share your route, it would be an interesting experiment for me to trace it using the "standard" auto-routing method (which I have been using for years without the issue you have desc
Duplication of some downloaded track points 18 323 Hi Admin - I fully understand your position. And while happy to close the issue now that I have a couple of workarounds I would suggest that two identical routes which when downloaded produce two ver
Duplication of some downloaded track points 18 323 New link.Remove duplicate trackpoints
Duplication of some downloaded track points 18 323 Rather than using the Reshape Route tool, you could try the Snap Route to Map tool to replot it - this would be quicker and easier. We don't really see superfluous points on the route as a bug, as th