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    Navajo Rocks Loop

    Route mapped by  Nelu Goia Photo
    2 years ago

    Starts near Thompson, USMORE ROUTES NEAR HERE
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    KEEP SINGLETRACK SINGLE! Moab's dirt is alive and very fragile! The desert dirt is made of fragile biological soil crust that ranges in color from black at its most mature to light brown as it begins forming. Tiny tendrils of crust hold particles of sand in place and help keep moisture in the soil, allowing plants to survive. Soil crusts prevent erosion and without the crust holding in the soil, wind storms are more likely and erosion occurs. Suggest Change
    Overview Suggest Change
    This trail system that has some great flow and technical riding. No matter which way you do this ride, you'll be surprised by how energy sapping the consistent ups and downs are. The trail is all singletrack as you head back to your car with a few little tiny straight up climbs....don't feel bad if you walk 25 yards up the steep sections....everyone does it :)
    Need to Know Suggest Change
    Just when you think you have enough water, BRING MORE. It's a long ride, and you'll be having so much fun that you'll forget how much water you need to be drinking! No camping along the trail...BUT...Dubinky Well Road is just west of the trailhead on Hwy 313 and has some great dispersed camping.

    Shuttle service provided by Hazard County Shuttle (435-210-8082), hazardcountyshuttle.com
    Description Suggest Change
    This is a unique ride. It uses several linked trails starting with Rocky Tops then Coney Island then Big Lonely to Big Mesa and the "grand finale" Ramblin'. You start on Rocky Tops, which is a nice warm-up. Its climbs are quick and painless while the legs tune up for the large ride. It's tighter riding around desert juniper bush/trees mixed with sand, slick rock and pack clay. As you get towards the end the views start to open up and bring you closer to the beauty of Big Mesa.

    Rocky Tops is not bad, but you need to leave a little energy in the bucket for the incredible grand finale. You'll see people coming up from the other side, and they look in anguish. This is a painful climb from the other side! Just don't do it! Rocky Tops is a unique trail in that it seems as if a non-mountain biker designed it....which might be the case. But there are two little climbs that make you think..."Hmmm...this 6' jump onto the rock doesn't seem ride-able, but I'm sure there are talented people out there that have ridden it." Anyway, this section of trail undulates quite a bit but has some truly amazing views. Juniper berry trees, sand, cactus etc. quickly become your high-speed obstacles on the descent with some technical slick rock.

    Then you come to Coney Island trail, which is a brutal, lonely climb. However, once it's done, this is where speeds increase, and it gets "buttery" or some would say flowy and fun. In this area, it starts to be more open singletrack grassland riding mixed with the occasional slick rock. Then this brings us to Big Lonely. You're finally feeling some nice relaxing, but techy downhill. Some of it's on old doubletrack that has been decommissioned.

    Next is the Big Mesa trail which is the jewel of the Nile of this ride. Take your time, stop to take pictures, go slower, and LOOK UP! Enjoy the scenery of this incredible ride. Sure the trail is awesome and real buttery, but take your time and enjoy this one. There is a cool little rebar bridge which I would think some would find "interesting" especially if you are on foot. Truth be told.....I can see how some would find it intimidating as the re-bar welded slats on this bridge are separated by about 6". Ride across it without any issue..uhhhh hmmm....don't stop on the bridge!! If you're on foot....you'll have a bit more of a challenge. This shouldn't keep you from this trail, however.

    This is a loop that if you don't race it....and take your time to stop and smell the roses....can be MAGICAL!
    16.830 miles
    1807 ft | 1801 ft 
    Navajo Rocks Loop
    st lb  
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    Our Calorie Calculator estimates how many Calories you will burn using Metabolic Equivalent (MET) values from Compendium of Physical Activities. The Compendium idenitifes the relative energy cost of undertaking various activities compared with doing nothing. We then combine this with your weight and the estimated duration of the activity, taking into account the length of the route and the hills involved, to estimate the total Calories burned.

    When selecting an Activity setting, select the speed you would normally travel at on flat ground.

    Please remember, the estimated number of Calories is just a guide and the actual number of Calories burned may vary depending on other factors such as weather and terrain.


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