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Set the exact start time? 8 790 Thanks for that feedback Pascal. That may be a bug as it should chnage at 5 minute intervals.
Bulk Downloading and Route Management 9 1034 Well spotted Mark! We'll get that corrected.
Option to keep elevation data of imported route 16 280 Thanks for the link Anders.
SPLIT THE ROUTE IN SECTIONS 2 144 I want to configure differerte paces (m/km) in a route, for example split the route in four sections and configure each of them with different parameter, how can i do it?
Set the exact start time? 8 790 Often the - and + buttons do not give a chance to set an exact start time.E.g., if I wish to set 8:40 and the timer is currently at 8:50 a click on the minus button will change it to 8:44 and a secon
Option to keep elevation data of imported route 16 280 Sure I understand. However, I would say that the elevation gain accuracy in Sweden is so poor that it's virtually unusable. As it is now, I export the route to Garmin Connect and see what they come u
Bulk Downloading and Route Management 9 1034 Very minor typo ..... in info box ....Please select the routes you wish to apply the bulk actions too firstmaybe should bePlease select the routes you wish to apply the bulk actions to, firstOr use s
Bulk Downloading and Route Management 9 1034 Fantastic!!!!!!
Option to keep elevation data of imported route 16 280 Hi Anders - thanks for the suggestion and I appreciate the issue, but I'm afraid that would actually be very difficult for us to implement, given the way we currently handle elevation data. Also, I'm
Editting a detour? 10 770 Cancel that. Already asked and answered.
Editting a detour? 10 770 How do i remove a detour?
Option to keep elevation data of imported route 16 280 Perhaps a niche request, but should be relatively easy to implement, I hope:Background:Elevation gain accuracy in plot-a-route is limited as there's only satellite data available. In my part of the w
Bulk Downloading and Route Management 9 1034 We're pleased to announce our latest upgrade of, which again includes some of your most voted for Feature Requests - Bulk Downloading and Route Management.On your My Routes page you ca
Mobile. App - Directions cover 'Save' dialogue 2 120 Thanks for that feedback Martyn - we'll get that changed.
Delete points in drag mode? 6 1136 Hu Julian - the Reshape Route tool is probably the best one to use. Have a look at our tutorial video on Editing Routes for a demo of some of the editing features.
Mobile. App - Directions cover 'Save' dialogue 2 120 In the mobile app, if I use the menu to bring up the 'Directions' pane and then select 'Save' without closing the directions pane, the Directions pane covers the Save pane.
Adding images to forum posts 9 185 Can't see an obvious way ....
Adding images to forum posts 9 185 Is there a way to do it on a mobile?
Delete points in drag mode? 6 1136 Hi allBrand new to plotaroute and I'm trying to simply delete a point (labelled "3" or "D", as the case may be).I clicked this point by mistake, but I don't want to go there at all.How do I simply re
Multiple GPX import option 14 687 We've added this to our Feature Requests list (number 137), where people can vote for it.
Multiple GPX import option 14 687 Ah, so 1 GPX file with many routes. I just wanted to be certain you hadn't found a way to import more than one GPX file at a time!Yes, I have tried to do this in Plotaroute, and the only current way
Multiple GPX import option 14 687 I have a gpx file with multiple separate gpx sections. Yes you can use TRace a route but when your screen is mostly black with 400 pus lines lines it is impossible. Its called a birds nest.
Direction timings error when a lunch break is added 16 232 Yes, I can confirm it now works as expected. Thank you for the quick fix.
Direction timings error when a lunch break is added 16 232 We've found the problem with this and have implemented a fix, so it should hopefully be working OK for you now.
Direction timings error when a lunch break is added 16 232 Thanks for the additional info and for your dectective work. Leave it with us and we'll get it fixed asap.